Biomedical Device Laboratory
The main goal of this research is the advancement of Thermal comfort model for human in Electric Vehicles (EVs).
Impact of Research
Recent challenges face by many researchers were to maintain convenient thermal comfort level for passengers along with energy consumption optimization in electric vehicles (EVs). Heating and cooling technologies in electric vehicles (EVs) these days possess plethora of scopes to work on the development of different thermal comfort model and energy efficiency.
Till now there is a development of the thermal physiology and thermal psychology models to analyze the passenger's thermal comfort considering the technology of the human body's response to the thermal environment. But in transient environments, it is hard to correlate psychological and physiological measures as there is a delay in physiological changes. So, ther is a place for improvement in the existing thermal comfort models by correlating both measures using electroencephalogram (EEG), which can capture physiological feedback with a rapid response rate. EEG has a potential to quantify thermal pleasure with fast reaction. The EEG spectral analysis demonstrated that EEG frequency band associated with pleasant emotional increased while frequency band related to pleasantness, satisfaction or relazation decreased with thermal pleasure. So our aim is to work on the incorporation of EEF signals in the Human thermal comfort model demonstrating the receptors signal in different environments and its effect on the thermoregulation of human body.