Biomedical Device Laboratory
The objective of our current research is to develop a RANS based porous media model for burn prediction. Our plan is to validate this model with Pennes and other experimental works. Later from the computational results, we plan to determine the sensitivity of geometric and inherited parameters of skin on burn.
Impact of Research
Pennes' model is widely used in bioheat transfer apllications. Because of its simplicity by assumption and limitation many advanced models like wave type model, dual phase lag type model, thermoelastic deformation model are developed. The complexity and inhomogenous nature of bioheat trasfer in skin drive the development of different models for better accuracy in paricular conditions (Laser ablatin, High intensity focused ultrasound, temeprature and heat flux). Majority of the models are based on the energy balance equation in differential form. Continuity, momentum and energy equations-based models can give more insight for computational modeling. Previous sensitivity analysis studies do not compute the statistical significance which we plan to cover in current study.
Method of Research
A local thermal equilibrium RANS based porous media modeling approach is used for computational modeling of burn in a 2D multilayer skin. The continuity, momentum and energy equations are discretized and solved to find temperature distribution with depth and time. Damage integral is calculated subsequently from temperature distribution using Henriques equation. Sensitivity analysis of geometric and inherited properties of skin is performed using statistical tools from the computational results to check the effect of different parameters on burn damage.